

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Peanut Butter Steam

Bahan I :
6     butir  kuning telur
4     butir  putih telur125 gram gula pasir
8     gram cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet
1/4  sdt    garam
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
135 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
20   gram susu bubuk full cream
1/4  sdt    baking powder

Bahan III (cairkan) :
65   gram mentega
65   gram margarin
120 gram white cooking chocolate

Bahan IV :
50   gram selai kacan
1     sdt    kopi instan
1     sdt    rum kopi

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Campur dan kocok bahan I menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan kental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Ambil 50 gram adonan, campur dengan bahan IV, aduk hingga rata.
4. Tuang kembali ke adonan dasar, aduk perlahan hingga membentuk pola marmer.
5. Tuang ke dalam  2 loyang ukuran 30 x 10 x T.4 cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti.

6. Kukus ke dalam panci pengukus selama 25 menit hingga matang.
7. Angkat dan hidangkan.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Fruit Oranye Steam Brownies

Bahan I :
100 gram mentega
100 gram margarin
100 gram gula bubuk
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan II :
6     butir  telur

Bahan III :
50   gram tepung terigu protein sedang
25   gram susu bubuk full cream
1     sdt    baking powder
50   gram fruit oranye
250 gram milk almond powder panggang
200 gramdark cooking chocolate, simpan dalam lemari es selama 15 menit

Bahan IV :
25   gram wijen panggang

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Campur dan kocok bahan I menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan putih. Masukan bahan II satu persatu sambil terus dikocok hingga tercampur.
2. Masukan Bahan III sedikit demi sedikit aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam 2  loyang ukuran 30 x 10 x T.4cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti. Taburi dengan bahan IV hingga rata.
4. Kukus ke dalam panci pengukus selama 30 menit hingga matang.
5. Angkat dan dinginkan.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Brownies Kukus

Bahan I :
12   butir  telur
450 gram gula pasir
20   gram cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet
1/4  sdt    garam
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
250 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
100 gram cokelat bubuk
1     sdt    baking powder

Bahan III (cairkan) :
350 ml     minyak sayur
200 gram dark cooking chocolate

Bahan IV :
150 ml  susu kental manis putih

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Campur dan kocok bahan I menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan kental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata. Ambil 200 gram adonan, campur dengan bahan IV, sisihkan
3. Tuang bagian sisa adonan tadi  ke dalam  loyang ukuran 24 x 24 x T.7cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti selama 10 menit.
4. Tuang kembali adonan yang telah dicampur dengan bahan IV, kukus dan terakhir  masukkan sisa adonan. Kukus kembali selama 30 menit hingga mengembang.
5. Angkat dan dinginkan.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Lapis Legit Kukus

Bahan I :
12   butir    telur
5     kuning telur
500 gram   gula pasir
20   gram   cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet
1/4  sdt      garam
1/2  sdt      vanili bubuk

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
285 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
60   gram susu bubuk full cream
1     sdt    baking powder

Bahan III (kocok hingga mengembang) :
175 gram margarin
200 gram mentega
1     sdm  susu kental manis, sedikit pewarna kuning telur

Bahan IV (campur):
15   gram cokelat bubuk
1     sdt    bumbu spekuk

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Campur dan kocok bahan I menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan kental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam  loyang ukuran 24 x 24 x T.7cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti.
4. Ambil 2 sendok sayur adonan, ratakan dan taburkan dengan bahan IV. Kukus selama 10 menit hingga matang..
5. Seterusnua lakukan langkah ke 4 hingga adonan habis. Angkat dan dinginkan

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Cappuccino Steam Brownies

Bahan I :
5     butir  telur
160 gram gula pasir
8     gram cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet
1/4  sdt    garam
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
110 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
30   gram susu bubuk full cream
1/4  sdt    baking powder

Bahan III (cairkan) :
100 gram milk cooking chocolate
65   gram margarin
65   gram mentega
1     bks   cappuccino instan sachet
1     sdt    kopi instan

Bahan IV :
75   gram kacang mete panggang, cincang

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Campur dan kocok bahan I menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan kental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam 2  loyang ukuran 30 x 10 x T.4cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti. Taburi dengan bahan IV.
4. Kukus ke dalam panci pengukus selama 25 menit hingga matang.
5. Angkat dan dinginkan. Semprotkan dengan white cooking chocolate cairsebagai hiasan sesuai dengan selera.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Triple Chocolate Steam Brownies

Bahan I :
6     butir  kuning telur
5     butir  putih telur
160 gram gula pasir
8     gram cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet
1/4  sdt    garam
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
110 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
20   gram cokelat bubuk
1/4  sdt    baking powder

Bahan III (cairkan) :
125 gram dark cooking chocolate
75   gram margarin
75   gram mentega

Bahan IV :
40   gram kismis
40   gram chocolate chip

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Campur dan kocok bahan I menjadi satu hingga mengembang dan kental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam 2  loyang ukuran 30 x 10 x T.4cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti. Taburi dengan bahan IV.
4. Kukus ke dalam panci pengukus dengan api sedang selama 25 menit hingga matang.
5. Angkat dan dinginkan. Semprotkan dengan white cooking chocolate cair atau poles dengan buttercream dan taburin dengan cokelat serut atau sesuai selera.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Cheese Avenue Steam Brownies

Bahan I :
375 ml      putih telur
175 gram  gula pasir
10   gram  cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
140 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
35   gram cokelat bubuk
1/4  sdt    baking powder
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan III (cairkan) :
100 gram dark cooking chocolate
75   gram margarin

Bahan IV :
15   gram margarin
15   gram gula pasir
30   gram tepung terigu protein rendah

Bahan V :
50   gram kelapa kering

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Bahan I : kocok putih telur hingga mengembang, masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok. Tambahkan cake emulsifier, kocok kembali hinggal mengembang dan mengental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam 2  loyang ukuran 30 x 10 x T.4cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti.
4. Bahan IV : kocok cheese spread hingga lembut. Masukkan telur, kocok kembali hingga tercampur rata. Tuangkan white cooking chocolate, tambahkan tepung terigu dan aduk rata.
5. Masukkan ke dalam kantong plastik segitiga, semprotkan di atas adonan membentuk garis [hias]. Taburi dengan bahan V hingga rata.
6. Kukus dengan panci pengukus selama 25 menit hingga matang.
7. Angkat dan dinginkan.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Straberry Jazzy Steam Brownies

Bahan I :
375 ml      putih telur
125 gram  gula pasir
10   gram  cake emulsifier, misal tbm, sp, ovalet

Bahan II (campur dan ayak) :
150 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
25   gram susu bubuk full cream
1/4  sdt    baking powder
1/2  sdt    vanili bubuk

Bahan III (cairkan) :
100 gram white cooking chocolate
75   gram margarin
1/2  sdt    essens pisang

Bahan IV (strusel) :
15   gram margarin
15   gram gula pasir
30   gram tepung terigu protein rendah

Bahan V (campur) :
100 gram selai bakar stroberi
3     tetes  pewarna merah

Cara Pembuatan :
1. Bahan I : kocok putih telur hingga mengembang, masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok. Tambahkan cake emulsifier, kocok kembali hinggal mengembang dan mengental.
2. Masukan Bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang ke dalam 2  loyang ukuran 30 x 10 x T.4cm yang terlebih dahulu di poles dengan sedikit minyak dan di alasi dengan kertas roti.
4. Campur bahan IV hingga rata dan berbutir. Taburi di atas adonan, semprotkan bahan V membentuk garis pola menyilang ( x ) sepanjang adonan membentuk garis.
5. Kukus dengan panci pengukus selama 25 menit hingga matang.
6. Angkat dan dinginkan.

Sumber :
Resep Ny. Liem / Chendawati

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Brownies Kukus Putih Telur

Bahan I :
  • 750 ml putih telur
  • 375 gram gula pasir
  • 20  gram cake emulsifier, misal Tbm, Sp, Ovalet
Bahan II ( Campur dan Ayak ) :
  • 275 gram tepung terigu protein sedang (mis : segitiga)
  • 75   gram cokelat bubut
  • 1     sdt baking powder
  • 1/2  sdt vanili bubuk
Bahan III (cairkan) :
  • 200 gram dark cooking chocolate
  • 250 ml minyak sayur
Bahan IV (cairkan) :
  • 150 gram dark cookong chocolate
1. Bahan 1 : Kocok putih telur hingga mengembang, masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok. Tambahkan cake emulsifier, kocok kembali hingga mengembang dan mengental. 
2. Masukkan bahan II sedikit demi sedikit hingga rata. Tuang bahan III, aduk perlahan dengan spatula hingga tercampur rata.
3. Tuang bagian adonan ke dalam loyang ukuran 24 x 24 x T 7 cm yang telah dipoles dengan minyak dan dialasi dengan kertas roti.
4. Kukus dalam panci pengukus selama 20 menit hingga matang. tuang bahan IV, ratakan.
5. Tuangkan sisa adonan di atas bahan IV, kukus kembali selama 25 menit hingga matang.
6. Angkat dan dinginkan

sumber :
Resep diambil dari buku Ny Liem / Chendawati

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011


Klappertaart in Indonesia known as a typical cake from Manado with the basic ingredients of coconut, flour, milk, butter and eggs. The dough recipe is the effect when the Dutch occupation era in Manado. There are several different ways to cook klappertaart. When she baked bread and use, it will produce klappertaart in solid form, can be cut like a cake taart in general. But there is also no way to cook a roast. This will produce a very soft texture, like eating custard that melts so directly into the mouth. This cake is most delicious when eaten in cold conditions so it should not be left outside the refrigerator too long. 

Klappertaart including cakes that contain high calories. There are entrepreneurs who are looking for a mixture of dough klappertaart lower total calorie content. Some types klappertart use low fat calorie, high calcium milk and low-calorie sweeteners as a substitute batter mix milk and sugar which is generally used, making this cake reduced the number of calories. Low Calorie Klappertaart was deliberately made for people who are on a diet can enjoy this delicious cake.

    * 600 ml of fresh liquid milk / milk Carnation
    * 30 grams of cornstarch
    * 150 grams of refined sugar
    * ½ tsp fine salt
    * 60 grams butter
    * 6 egg yolks btr
    * 3 egg whites btr
    * 75 grams of wheat flour
    * 50 ml sweetened condensed milk
    * 60 grams raisins
    * 400 grams degan (young coconut meat)
    * 60 grams of walnuts / almonds, thinly sliced for topping
    * ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
    * 1 teaspoon rhum
    Btr * 3 egg whites, beaten until stiff

The dough I:
   1. Combine the fresh liquid milk / Carnation, cornstarch, sugar and salt.
   2. Cook over low heat until thickened and smooth.
   3. Add butter, mix well then remove and let cool.

2. Dough II:
   1. In another place the egg yolks and whipped egg whites for 10 minutes.
   2. Add flour, sweetened condensed milk, raisins, coconut meat, walnuts, vanilla essence and rhum. Mix   well.
   3. Combine dough II into the dough I, stirring until batter is well blended second.
   4. Pour batter into a heat resistant dish that has been spread with butter. Bake in oven with a temperature of 180 ° C for 20 minutes.
   5. Then remove from the oven, pour the egg white mixture onto it and pour the chopped walnuts.
   6. Bake until cooked through and golden brown color.

Source :

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Melon Bread

Melonpan (メロンパン meronpan), also known as Melon pan, Melon buns or Melon bread, are sweet bakery products from Japan, but also popular in Taiwan and China. They are made from an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crispy cookie dough. Their appearance resembles a melon, such as a rock melon (cantaloupe). They are not traditionally melon flavored,[1] but in recent times it has become popular for manufacturers to add melon to melon bread. Variations exist, including some with a few chocolate chips between the cookie layer and the enriched dough layer, and non-melon versions flavored with caramel, maple syrup, chocolate, or other flavors, sometimes with syrup, whipped or flavored cream, or custard as a filling. In the case of such variations, the name may drop the word "melon" ("maple pan") or may keep it despite the lack of melon flavor ("chocolate melon pan").
The name has a bilingual etymology, since melon is a loan word from Latin, while pan[2] is from the Portuguese word for bread
In parts of the Kinki, Chuugoku, and Shikoku regions a variation with a radiating line pattern is called "sunrise", and many residents of these regions call even the cross-hatched melon pan "sunrise".
Melonpan and pineapple bun from Hong Kong are very similar. By comparison the Japanese style is lighter in weight and taste, slightly dryer and has a firmer outer layer (including top cookie crust) which resists to flaking unlike its Hong Kong counterpart which should be treated with care as the top cookie crust tends to flake easily. The Hong Kong version is also more moist and is generally soft on the outside and inside and has a stronger butter flavour.

(makes about 12 buns)

Bread Dough:
300g bread flour
6g instant yeast
36g caster sugar
5g salt
6g skim milk powder (I used my boy's milk powder)
200g warm water (37~38 degC) (I didn't bother, just made sure water is not cold)
30g unsalted butter (bring to room temperature)

Pastry layer
80g unsalted butter (bring to room temperature)
90g caster sugar
80g egg, lightly beaten (oh, I hate weighing eggs!)
200g cake flour
2g baking powder
some melon extract (I leave this out as I don't have this)
some caster sugar for dusting/coating

How I made them:
  1. Sift bread flour, caster sugar, salt, milk powder into a mixing bowl. Add in instant yeast and mix the powdered mixture a little.
  2. Add in warm water. DO NOT add in all the water at one go, leave a little bit so as to adjust the texture of the dough.
  3. Mix the ingredients with hand and slowly form into a dough. Add the remaining water if it is too dry.
  4. Transfer dough to work surface. Knead until the dough longer sticks to the work surface. This should take about less than 5 mins.
  5. Flatten the dough and add in the butter. Continue to knead. Initially, the dough will be very oily, after a few kneads, the butter will be absorbed by the dough. Continue to knead until the dough no longer feel sticky to your hand and will not stick to the work surface. This should take about 15 to 20 mins.
  6. Place dough in a lightly greased (with butter) bowl, cover with cling wrap and let proof for about one hour, or until double in bulk.
  7. While the dough is proofing, prepare the pastry layer. With an electric mixer, beat butter and sugar until mixture turns pale.
  8. Add in a few drops of melon extract if desired.
  9. Add in lightly beaten eggs in 3 addition. Beat well after each addition.
  10. Sift over cake flour and baking powder. Mix with a spatula until flour mixture is fully incorporate. Divide into 12 portions, about 35~40g each. For the chocolate chips version, wrapped some chocolate chips into each pastry dough. Place in a tray and let the dough chill in the fridge for at least 30 mins.
  11. Punch out the gas in the bread dough and divide into 12 portion, about 45g each. Roll into rounds. Cover with a damp cloth or cling wrap and let the dough relax for 10mins.
  12. Remove chilled pastry dough from the fridge. Roll out each dough in between 2 layers of cling wraps (I used clear plastic bags). Roll the bread dough again into rounds again. Remove the top layer of the cling wrap and place the bread dough onto the pastry dough. With the bottom layer of the cling wrap still intact, wrap the pastry dough around the bread dough. Carefully remove the bottom layer of the cling wrap, at the same time, smoothing the edges of the pastry dough. NOTE: DO NOT cover the Entire bread dough with the pastry dough. Leave the bottom 2 ~ 3 cm uncovered. The dough needs the space to expand, otherwise the pastry dough will burst and the resulting appearance will not be very pleasing.
  13. Coat the exterior with caster sugar, stamp patterns on the surface with cookie cutters or decorate as desired. Leave doughs to proof for the second time for about 40 ~ 50mins.
  14. Bake in pre-heated oven at 170 deg C (I set mine as 180 deg C) for 10 ~ 12 mins. Note: mine took 20mins to brown!
Recipe source: 酥皮麵包大集合by 佐藤律子

Source :

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Sumbawa Besar & Moyo Island

Sumbawa Besar is one of the most populated towns beside Bima and Dompu in the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. It is the capital city of the island and of the Sumbawa Regency of the province of West Nusa Tenggara

The slogan of the town is BESAR which can mean big in Indonesian . However, this slogan has been used an acronym for:
  • B Bersih (Clean),
  • E Elok (Beautiful),
  • S Sehat (Healthy),
  • A Aman (Safe),
  • R Rapi (Proper).
Indonesian is widely spoken in Sumbawa BESAR with some local languages such as Samawa and Balinese (spoken by Balinese people that moved to Sumbawa BESAR).

Public transportation in Sumbawa BESAR may include bemo [on the left,], dokar [on the right below, taken from , and becak.
There are two lines of bemo there, Blue bemo and Yellow bemo. Each serves different routes around the city but both pass the most crowded street in the city, Jalan Kartini. Jalan Kartini may be considered as the centre of the city since local merchants are concentrated in this area and youngsters usually hang out around the water fountain in the middle of the street.
There is one small airport named Bandar Udara Brangbiji that serves some small flights to and from Mataram. However, due to the limited number of passengers using these flight services, the flight schedules have been limited to once or twice a week. Mainly, the flights are served by Trigana Airways. The distance between Lombok and Sumbawa can be reached by airplane for 30 minutes

Tourism in Sumbawa BESAR or Sumbawa has not been promoted by the government. However, thanks to that, Sumbawa has really nice untouched beaches that many tourists, local, national or international, have enjoyed.
There are several small hotels / motels in Sumbawa BESAR. They may include Hotel Tambora, Hotel Suci, etc. The rate per night varies but usually is cheap ranging from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 100,000 (US$6 - 13).

There is one private island with beautiful resort which is Aman Wana Resorts
The wilderness hideaway of Amanwana (peaceful forest) is the only resort on the Indonesian island of Moyo, a nature and marine reserve 15 kilometres off the coast of Sumbawa, east of Bali. Surrounded by the turquoise waters and untouched reefs of the Flores Sea, the island is 350 square kilometres with vegetation ranging from savannah to tropical jungle. It is blessed with a variety of animal and bird life, from deer to wild boar, macaque monkeys, sea eagles and osprey.
An Indonesian wildlife reserve since 1976, Moyo Island lies east of Bali in the West Sumbawa regency. Moyo is situated about 8° south of the equator. Amanwana looks out over Amanwana Bay, a marine reserve, and beyond to the Flores Sea. Medang Island in the north-west, the rugged mountains of Sumbawa in the south and Lombok’s volcanic Mount Rinjani – at 3,726 metres, the third-highest mountain in Indonesia – are visible from Moyo. The island all but plugs the narrow entrance to Saleh Bay, creating an inland sea ideal for cruising and island hopping.

wana falls
wana bike trail
*National Tourism Awards 2010 Best Eco Resorts - No. 2 Indonesia
*Anywhere's 2nd Anniversary Special Issue The Ulimate Travel List 2004
   Best Luxury Resort in Asia - No. 14 2004
*Andrew Harper's Hideaway Report Readers' Choice 2009 Top 20 Family Resorts
   USA 2009
*Spear's WMS HNW Awards 2007 Best Resort UK 2007

Sumbawa BESAR has some public schools and so far only one private Catholic school.
A university was built in 1998 named Universitas Samawa. The tuition fee is Rp. 400,000 / year. There are 694 students. Study programs include Management Finance and Banking (D3), Mechanical Engineering (D3), Civil Engineering (D3 & S1), Physics, Agronomy, Administration, Economy, Food Science, and Education (S1).
